Jaw Pain Specialist


Jaw pain associated with temporomandibular (TMJ) disorder is often debilitating. If jaw pain negatively affects your life, experienced interventional pain management specialist Joseph Fortin, DO, and his team offer medications, natural solutions, and injections to relieve your discomfort at Spine Technology and Rehabilitation in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Schedule an appointment over the phone or online to learn more about your pain relief options.

What is jaw pain?

Discomfort in your jaw joint can result from an injury, arthritis, or TMJ, also known as temporomandibular disorder. Your jaw joint includes sliding hinges on each side. If you experience long-lasting or severe jaw pain, see Dr. Fortin and his team for an evaluation.

What are the symptoms of TMJ?

TMJ is often associated with the following sign and symptoms:

  • Jaw pain or
  • tenderness
    Aching facial or ear pain
  • Jaw joint locking
  • Problems chewing
  • Popping when you open or close your mouth

TMJ risk factors include jaw injuries, arthritis, long-term teeth clenching or grinding, and connective tissue diseases that affect the jaw joint. Your discomfort might be mild or severe. If it negatively affects your everyday life, Dr. Fortin and his team can offer you much-needed relief.

What are my jaw pain treatment options?

To reduce jaw pain associated with TMJ, Dr. Fortin might recommend one of the following treatments:


Taking medications can diminish joint inflammation, relieve muscle spasms, and alleviate discomfort associated with jaw pain.

Physical therapy

Physical therapy through jaw strengthening exercises and stretches can reduce TMJ discomfort and the risk of future pain. Ultrasound, ice, and moist heat can help too.

Oral appliances

Wearing a custom-fit oral appliance over your teeth while you sleep can alleviate TMJ pain, especially if you grind your teeth at night.

Interventional Procedures

Image-guided corticosteroid injections help reduce inflammation or pain associated with TMJ dysfunction. Moderately severe to advanced cases may require further interventions (see below).

Radiofrequency Ablation:
In the case of severe jaw pain, Dr. Fortin and his team might provide the option of employing stereotactic radiofrequency energy to abolish the pain impulses emanating from the TMJ.

Regenerative Medicine:
Image-guided stem cell and growth factor injections (of biologic substrate harvested and processed from the patient’s body) is one of the most promising procedures offered at STAR for patients with moderate to advanced TMJ dysfunction.

Don’t live with jaw pain associated with TMJ or other joint problems when noninvasive treatments at Spine Technology and Rehabilitation can offer relief. Book an appointment by phone or online today.